Category Archives: Planning

Don’t Jump Out a Window

We’re rounding out the 2/3 point of 2013.  This year is flying by… so fast!  I’m really enjoying putting my passion for Climbing into words and sharing them with you.  I’m at a bit of a crossroads with my climbing, my life, and the combination of the two.  The more I think about climbing, the more I despise the constraints that my day-job puts on my climbing goals.

I’ve recently read a couple great posts from fellow climbers about having to adjust their expectations when it comes to climbing and goals.  The first was from the gals at Crux Crush.  Although I will never know what its like to be pregnant.  I understand the feeling when priorities change.  I understand putting others before yourself.  The caveman instinct in me would have already bought a converted van and be dirtbagging it in many amazing climbing locations across the US and the World.  The challenge is… I’m not a caveman, and I love my family dearly.  The well being of my wife and children takes precedence over my personal climbing ambitions.  So when I review my fairly ambitious goals for 2013 and realize I am waaaay behind pace (possibly too far behind to catch up), my first response is to get discouraged.

I see videos, like the one above, of climbers setting and hitting their goals.  I’m super happy for him, but my blood boils that I am not.  But then I realize, my life is unique to me.  And yours to you.  Like CanadianKate, I realized that happiness is not found in the destination alone, but even more so in the journey getting there.

Don't Jump Out a Window Unless you're Parkour Legend David Belle

Don’t Jump Out a Window
Unless you’re Parkour Legend David Belle

I remain positive that I am advancing in both my technique and conditioning.  I am feeling stronger than ever.  I am climbing smoother than ever.  My problem solving and route-reading seems to be very strong.  I just haven’t gotten outdoors much.  That’s what we train for anyway.  So, I’ll take advantage of those outings when they come.  But I’m not going to Jump Out of a Window out of despair.  I’m going to count my blessings and “Climb On”.

How are you doing with your goals?  I encourage you to press on and have fun in your Journey!

~ Climb 4 Free ~

Father’s Day “Supplies”

No, its not a typo, its just my most quoted line from the 1989 Weird Al comedy UHF.

But in all seriousness, I did have a great Father’s Day Surprise this year. My wonderful wife made some secret plans for a climbing outing, and even my 5 year old and 3 year old didn’t spill the beans.

The real story started about a week prior. And actually further set-up back in January. As you may have read in one of my earlier posts, I had set some climbing related goals for 2013. One such goal was to get outside climbing more days in 2013 than previous years. Twenty days to be exact. Well, guess what didn’t cooperate with my plans…

Winter Weather – Snow into May

Needless to say, the late start to (in my opinion) climbable weather coupled with various additional schedule conflicts that come with a “Real Life”, I had not made it outside to climb a single time yet. So when I was whining away about not having gotten outside yet, in the second week of June, my sweet wife had to bite her tongue and keep the surprise alive.

So Sunday morning, Father’s Day, I am awakened by a shake. “It’s 9 o’clock, time for church.” [wait a minute… if it’s 9, we’re already late] So I open my eyes to an envelope waving in front of my face. I open it and it goes something like this:

Happy Father’s Day!
Get packed! We’re going Rock Climbing.
We leave at 7:30 sharp.

It is then that I look at the alarm clock and read 6:45. [Wow, this is awesome] So we get on the road and I notice some funny business, like secret texting and asking me what towns we drove through to get to the crag. But I play along. After all, this is very thoughtful of her and I am EXTREMELY appreciative. We hike to the base of the bluffs and set the gear down, when all of a sudden, “Oh, I forgot the bug spray in the car. Can you run down and get it?” [For real??? OK] And as I’m jogging back down the trail, around the corner comes my climbing buddy and fellow Father. Supplies!!!

Sharing Beta and a Belay

It was a great day. Good warm-up on a classic 5.9, one mis-read sequence away from a 5.11c onsight, and the 2nd go redpoint. I had fun in the great outdoors, doing something I love with the people I love. Plus, although my wife is a distance runner, she is a natural on the stone.

So the seal has been broken. Outside climbing is the name of the game. And the Game is ON!!

2013 Goals Update
20 Days – 1/20 – 5%
13 5.12’s – 0/13 – 0%

~ Climb 4 Real ~

Timing and Planning

The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem

We all have both strengths AND weaknesses. Some strengths are easier to brag about and some weaknesses are tougher to admit. I have a weakness that I’m not ashamed to admit.

“Hi, my name is Josh, … and I am not a morning person.”

“Hi Josh” says everyone else in the room.

[monkey jumps off back]

It’s Participation Time!!!

Take a minute to answer the 2 poll questions below and add a comment about your planning. What have you found that works to keep disciplined? Feel free to ask a question for me or another reader.

~ Climb 4 Real ~

Momentum Climbing Gym

Climbing - Training - Yoga

Joshua Tree bouldering

revisionist trad bouldering in the park

Stick Clip; The Blog

Because I'm too scared to climb up and clip it. Christ, Climbing, Community.

Choss Chronicles

It's not choss, it's bomber

Rob Pizem's Blog for all Seasons

Family, Rock Climbing, Training, Public Speaking and Life.

The Rock Climber's Training Manual

A Comprehensive Program for Continuous Climbing Improvement

Climbing Together and Other Fun Adventures

A community for climbers and adventure enthusiasts to learn about training, health, gear, and exciting adventure news

The Spot Route Setting Blog

Opening the Doors for Spot Member Involvement

VE St. Paul Setting

All Things Setting @ Vertical Endeavors St. Paul

Tom Randall Climbing

Don't expect anything normal...

A girl walks into a climbing gym...

and that was how it all started.

Breaking In My Shoes

On an Adventure in Paradise

the Severe climber

"The best climber is the one having the most fun" Alex Lowe

Lazy H Climbing Club

Mark Anderson's Climbing & Training Journal

London Climbing Monkey

My love for climbing


The art of moving in a vertical world